~Being the Mother of a boy, last from son up...to son down~

I think I got the shaft!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Any of you mom's feel that way???

I do!

Looking back to when Kyle was small I feel like I got a bum deal! There are so many things out on the market now that would have come in mighty handy around our house.

I would have LOVED to have had one of these....

Have any of you gal's seen this Elf on a Shelf? You set him out around the house and he watches the kids and reports back to Santa, then he moves to a different place each day...pretty cool idea. My friend has one she sets into action for her two boys and she said works pretty good. He is always disappearing and then re-appearing again in a new "watch" area. The boys always wake up each morning and run off to find him.

I bet this would have worked great on Kyle back in his younger days....I guess it wouldn't have the same effect on a teenager huh????........

probably not!


Tara said...

I have never heard of this. Where have I been since it says "Christmas tradition"??? Maybe I need to check into one for A.

Mary said...

That's a fun idea! I agree with you. I also think toys have gotten so much better. I look back at what I used to play with compared to now. The stuff now is so cool! Maybe that's why we have kids, to play with their toys and bring out the inner child in us. lol :)

Suburban Princess said...

I had never heard of this until I started blogging - my son probably wouldn't get it this year but I am going to grab one anyway when I am in the city. Next year it will have a big impact :O)

AiringMyLaundry said...

I should get one of those!

Anonymous said...

That is so adorable!!! Must put this one in my mental notebook for when I have kids!

Bridget said...

Yeah, I see things all the time and think, "Hey, they didn't have that when Kyle was a baby!" The one I would have given my left arm for would be the Bedtime Magic Baby wash...would have definitely made for some calmer colic-filled evenings.

Elf on the shelf is TOO cute!!

Stephaine Eads said...

We do this! I love it. Lily named hers Lyle which was odd since I don't think we had ever mentioned that name before.

Hard part is we are traveling to Disney this year. Luckily Lyle travels well from the north pole.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Oh! Ordering myself one, no a MILLION!! today!!

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