Okay here we go.....
A - Age - 33
B - Birth Place - Lexington, KY
C - Car - actually, I drive a Ford Explorer SUV
D - Dog - yes, 2 Chevy a Chocolate Lab and Daquiri a Chow Chow
E - Exercice - not on a regular routine but trying to get one
F - Family - Me, Chris & Kyle
G - Goals - be debt free...but don't we all have that goal
H - Hobbies - blogging, reading & shopping
I - Ice Cream - yes, love it love it love it!!!
J - Jewelry - Gold & Silver
K - Kids- yes, 1 12yr old son Kyle aka Bubba
L - Love - yes, I believe in love at first site...happened to me a stop light in Myrtle Beach.....see next comment on the outcome :O)
M - Married - yes going on 14 years in August!
N - Nickname - Myrtle...I know, don't ask...something my Mom gave me
O - Outdoors- yes, I love being outside camping, fishing, boating, tanning...whatever!
P - Parents - Mom-Melissa/Step-Dad Bennie/Dad-Ricky
Q - Quick - NO WAY! I don't run at all..... period!
R - Relaxing - I love to relax by laying out on the beach reading
S - Sports - Not really, love to watch Kyle play but that's about it
T - TV Shows - my fav is Jon & Kate & Tori & Dean on the Oxygen Channel
U - Ultrasounds - yep, several while I was pregnant
V - Vacations - Flordia, New Orleans, Tennesse, Kentucky, New York, Myrtle Beach, Outer Banks of North Carolina
W - Wreck - wrecked two cars before I turned 18....oopsy!
X - X-rays - yes, chest, sinus, wrist, back, & hips
Y - Yummy Foods - ice cream, mexican, cheese cake, fried chicken
Z - Zoo- yes, I have been 3 times in my life. I love animals!
Thanks Cari for the great blog idea!!!!!!
Whew...that took alot of brain power. I am going to rest!!!!
~Until Next Time~