~Being the Mother of a boy, last from son up...to son down~


Friday, July 10, 2009

Pray Until Something Happens

These four small, but oh so strong words were written on a small piece of paper and handed to my son by his bus driver on his last day of school as he got of the bus for home....(and some people think public schools are bad?!?)

So I felt the need to use this as my post today. I have several friends and family members who are going through some very hard and difficult times right now so I thought this would be fitting.

Remember the Lord will never leave you or forsake you.

Just remember to PUSH!


Sarah Andrews said...

How very true and it totally makes you think doesn't it.

Kim said...

Gives PUSH a whole new meaning. Amazing the things you can learn from the people you don't expect it from.

E @ Scottsville said...

How cool is that?! What a great bus driver!

Thanks for reminding ME to P.U.S.H. through.

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