~Being the Mother of a boy, last from son up...to son down~

off to live another day

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I forgot share this story with all of you last week. Last week while Kyle was off for Spring Break(and staying home by his self during the day) he decided he would go down to the creek. This is a very common thing for Kyle. I swear the child would sleep in his tent on the creek bank every night if we would let him! Kyle and Chevy love to be down at the creek in the mud, digging and seeing other animals and splashing around and playing in the mud, skipping rocks and playing in the mud...oh, did I already mention the mud? Sorry, just had to get that point across. I am seriously thinking about installing an outdoor shower because most days he is too muddy to even walk through the house to use his shower!

Anyway I get a call from Kyle that went something like this.

Kyle "Hey mom Chevy & me are down at the creek digging another creek (yea, follow me here, mmkay!) and all the sudden I heard a bull frog....and when I turned around there was a HUGE snake, bout 4 feet long (moms heart then stops) and he had that bull frog in his mouth and he was just a hollerin'....so I went over and chopped the snakes head off and he let go of the frog and hopped back into the woods to live another day.

Mom "kyle you have got to be careful down there! There are snakes everywhere! Your Daddy told you to be on the look out for them."

Kyle" I was...I heard the frog!"

Mom "what in the world did you cut the snakes head off with?"

Kyle "duh...the shovel...what else did you think I was using to dig a new creek with!"
(I could tell he was rolling his eyes just like his daddy by hearing the tone in his voice)

........uh....stupid me!


Kristi said...

What a brave boy! I already get the eye roll...cant wait for many years of it.

Jenna said...

Oh my gosh!! I'm pretty sure if I saw a snake killing a bull frog I would scream and run.
Kyle is now a hero to that bullfrog! Thank goodness he was digging a new creek with that shovel! haha...we used to do stuff like that when I was a kid...minus the snake/frog

Resh Rene` said...

Ohh boys and their lack of fear. Everything is so black and white for them...gotta love it <3

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness! I would have had a heart attack! I'd say "Boys will be boys!" But my oldest girl would be the same way if she had the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

bahahahaha that is hilarious! Duh, a shovel what else would I be digging a new creek with is just great! Now if only that bull frog was really a wealthy prince and would pay Kyle for saving him!

JoeinVegas said...

Why did the frog get priority over the snake? He could have at least kissed the frog at the end to see if it would turn into a beautiful princess.

jules said...

My goodness. That is so MY son...

Stephaine Eads said...

He is a little froggy hero....

Tara said...

LOL...I can see it all right now!

Bridget said...

Oh goodness, I think I've had this conversation before...BOYS!

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