1. I love the Lord.
2. I have the BEST husband in the world!
3. I have one son who makes me laugh everyday!
4. I have one brother
5. I was born in Kentucky.
6. I met my husband at a stop light in Myrtle Beach while both of us were on vacation....true story I promise!!
7. I love ice cream!!!!!
8. I love ice cream!!!!
9. I love ice cream...okay I'll stop now. I just wanted to get my point across.
10. I love flip flops!
11. I am a morning peron
12. I love the beach
13. I hate seafood...if it lives in water I don't eat it! PERIOD!
14. I am way too much like my Granny
15. I am neat freak
16. I love cruise control...other people should really try to use it HINT HINT!
17. I would love to meet Reba
18. I am a Troopers Wife
19. I once drank wort medicine when I was in 4th grade and almost died.
20. I gained 70lbs while I was pregnant!!! Not funny, but true!
21. I was in labor for 28 hours(main reason we quit with 1 child)
22. I like to read
23. I have had the same best friend since 7th grade
24. My new craze is coffee...I blame this on Heather my BFF!
25. I love to laugh
26. I am a Sunday school teacher...I know scary right!
27. I am the youngest child
28. I am the only granddaughter on my Mom's side of the family
29. I have been married for almost 14 years...YIPEE!
30. I adore my boys.
31. I don't know how to drive a stick shift....Chris can verify that if needed.
32. I love candles
33. I wrecked my car on the way to get ice cream...who would have ever thought!?!
34. I have two dogs.
35. I use to want to be a jockey when I was little...in age and size :O)
36. I love to play cards
37. I like watching my son play sports.
38. My favorite movie is Coal Miner's Daughter.
39. I am crafty
40. I need color in every room!
41. I lived in 3 states in the first year I was married.
42. I was married when I was 19.
43. I never skipped school.
44. I have bungee jumped...would not recommend!
45. I have let me car run out of gas!
46. I love to cook.
47. I love chocolate.
48. I have toilet papered a house.
49. I have the best parents in the world!
50. My in-laws are wonderful.
51. My son is one red neck country little boy!
52. I have a MAJOR purse fetish!
53. I have been on a bus shopping trip to New York City....and loved it!
54. I will never have a mini van...EVER!
55. I love my family!
56. I have 2 step sisters & 1 step brother
57. I am an Aunt.
58. I have a nickname...and no I won't tell what it is.
59. I could never be a stay at home Mom...God bless those of you that are!
60. I would love to have my own talk show.
61. I love to ride horses.
62. I love to go crabbin(for you un-country folk that is chicken on a string and trying to catch crabs).
63. I love the smell of Kyle when he is clean....which is not very often.
64. I am a good Mom.
65. I will agrue with a wall...I hate that trait but it too true!
66. I love PINK!
67. I love to-do list.
68. I organize EVERTHING!
69. I have a 12 foot Christmas tree.
70. I will never build a house AGAIN.....EVER!
71. I am scared of dying.
72. I still clean my son's room.
73. I love to sing.
74. I have very bad allergies.
75. I was born in 1975
76. I want to be on "Who wants to be a millionare"
77. I hate spiders
78. My husband is the most physically fit man I know!!!
79. I believe in love at first sight.
80. I believe in angels.
81. I think shopping should be a sport.
82. I LOVE Black Friday!!!
83. I hate working out.
84. I have gray hair...THAT STINKS!
85. I want to own a Hallmark store.
86. I am not a shy person.
87. I once broke my brothers toe on purpose.
88. I want to ride in a hot air balloon.
89. My new hobby is blogging...I am addicted!!!
90. My Dad was killed in a car wreack when I was 16.
91. I got held back in 2nd grade.
92. I have perfect vision.
93. I wore braces on my legs when I was born.
94. I want a pool in my back yard.
95. I have been raised in church.
96. I have never seen all of Wizard of Oz
97. I have no tatoos
98. I am scared to fly over the ocean.
99. I love my life!
100. My husband is my right hand...when I get too worked up he puts it over my mouth!!!
Well, I hope all of you enjoy learning a few things...100 actually about me. Let me know what you think.
~Until Next Time~