~Being the Mother of a boy, last from son up...to son down~

Happy 13th Birthday Kyle

Monday, July 27, 2009

As of 2:54am this morning I am officially the proud Mother of a teenager! I'm not sure if Kyle feels any older but it sure does makes me!

To catch you up to speed from the last post (if you are keeping track).....if you remember, my water broke around 11:30pm on July 25, 1996. However, my little bundle of joy decided he would take his time and come on his terms.....which ment...I'm not coming out, your gonna have to come in and get me!

So at 2:54am on July 27, 1996 that's exactly what the dr's did.....IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!! I was beginning to think I needed to go ahead and fill out a change of address form with the post office cause this was taken forever....well not really....but for those of you who are counting it was almost 28 hours.....yep, 28 hours from the time my water broke to my c-section! I think I need another award for that :O)

Now you guys know why I only have one child. Even though they say the second comes in half the time that would only take me down to 14 hours and I'm not dumb enough to test that theory out.

After the long labor and c-section I had spiked a fever. I was not doing well and neither was Kyle. When they took him out he was not crying at all. I heard the Dr say, "call pediatric respiratory STAT!". They wrapped him in a blanket and put him in an incubator. Wheeled him up by my head and I heard the nurse say, "Say Hi to momma" and then they wisked him out the door. He spent the first few days of his life in the NICU on a ventilator with tons of tubes all around him.

His birth was not an easy one and both our stays in the hospital reached 8 days. We could not wait to be free and head home.

These first 13 years have not been easy but he has truely been a blessing to us. He has taught me more than I have taught him. Isn't it funny? When you have a child you think you will be the one leading them through life and teaching them new things but I believe it is the opposite. Kyle has taught me how to give until I feel like I can't give any more....but then you do. Love until my heart hurts, laugh until I cry, see the good side in everything and believe without seeing.

He is a special child, my child. My only child. And when he is a grown man with children of his own he will still be my baby boy. And no matter where his life may take him my heart will go with him.

So Happy 13th Birthday Christian Kyle Owens!!!!! Our lives are complete because of you!


Five Moms & A Blog said...

So you were 12 days late? Am I counting that right? =0) I was only 9 days late with Cameron, and I couldn't WAIT to get him OUT! Then I was 8 days late with Riley.

I'll have to tell my birthing stories someday. Cam's was... uh... interesting to say the least. Then Riley's was calm and peaceful and sweet and lovely.

I wish you'd tried for another! It could've been SOOOO different. Mine sure were! =0)

But what a blessing that you have Kyle! You're right. Kids do change your life FOREVER and in a WONDERFUL way!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Oops - that was from me: ERICA
Course you probably already knew that.

Anonymous said...

wow what a story. Happy Birthday Kyle! I'm glad he was alright.

Chanda said...

28 hours...Love your heart! Hope he is having a great birthday!

Chanda said...

I gave your blog a lovely award :) Check it out over at my Other Everyday Stuff blog!

Mandy said...

Whew... all I can say is that I'm thankful that I'll probably have a c-section right off the bat! My poor aunt had to endure 2 days of labor as well, and my cousin turns 24 TODAY! Is there something about this week of July? The humidity maybe? Haha :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Seriously? 28 hours? Geez, neither of mine was over 6! Like you said, he is your special child, and he is lucky you are his mommy!

Anonymous said...

Left an award for you at my blog! :)

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