~Being the Mother of a boy, last from son up...to son down~

18 Kids & Counting......

Thursday, September 3, 2009

.......you can't be serious????? Have you watched this show???? And now the tabloids say that baby 19 is baking in the oven as I type??????

For those of you who are not fascinated with the Dugger Family like I am I will catch you up to speed. They are a sweet family complete with 18 kids ranging in age from 20 to 8 months and all the childrens names begin with the letter "J".....Joshua, Jenna, Jessa, Johannah, Josiha, Jennifer, Jordyn, Jinger.....oh, Lord I'm stuck at 8 names......good thing I'm not the Mom, I would never be able to remember them all and would wind up calling half of them by the dogs name!

Anyway, they live in Arkansas in a humungo house they built themselves.....and I can speak from experience that building a home yourself is no walk in the park!

Now, on to the main point of my post. Michelle Dugger a.k.a Mom age 45 is now prego with kid #19 while all the while her oldest son Josh is expecting his first child(Michelle's first Grandchild) next month. Things of this nature never cease to amaze my little "Mom of 1" brain! But I must say that I am addicted to this show and don't miss an episode.

I guess the thing that has captivated me is the fact that the house always seems to run smoothly. Everything is ALWAYS so nest and tidy, the kids are always very clean, well behaved and well dressed.....(my 13 yr old has to be told to brush his teeth, take a shower, do his homework and most days even be reminded to breath!)
I just don't see how she has pulled all this off while keeping her sanity intacked. I mean honestly folks I am give slam out each night by the time Kyle goes off to bed and I only have 1 child to keep track of and he is equipped with a cell phone and I still struggle......maybe I need to get him a tracking collar?!???

Michelle and Dad "Jim Bob" always speak to their kids in the sweetest voice. Never raising their voice or yelling. I would love to know how they get a teenager to do something without yelling...I have to know the secret! The kids are alway polite and get along together very well (or at least long enough to tape the show) the older ones help out the little ones and no one is running around half dressed or just in a diaper sporting the ever fresh "bed head".....NOPE.....not on Momma Dugger's watch!

So have any of you watched this show and become addicted like me? They are most awesome family in my eyes. I have never really had the desire to have multiple children, much less 19. Nor can I begin to understand why anyone would want such a hectic life. God has given me one wonderful son who is full of life, energy and laughes. And last time I checked 1 child is enough to make me a Mom!


Anonymous said...

I seriously don't think I could handle even one kids let alone 19!!! I haven't watched their show, but I have visited their website.

E @ Scottsville said...

I don't have cable, so I can't watch the show.... but I have read about them and seen them on some talk shows. I think they're AMAZING!

I personally know a homeschooling mom of TEN kids.... and they range in age from 22 to 10 months old. Her's are like the duggars...just so sweet and loving and helpful. She never has to yell at them, they just do and help and work. AmAzInG! I must be doing something wrong too!!! Here's a picture of their clan!

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