Well Christmas is over and I braved a few stores and got a few deals on some wrapping paper....cause u can never have too much!
We had a wonder time cooking eating and spending time with family......and guess what I am typing on right now?????
If you guessed a laptop....your close...it is a netbook (thanks Santa!!!!) Kyle was so excited as he went on a wild goose hunt all around the house with hints left everywhere (even in the freeze) he finally found it hidden in the fireplace(no we didn't have a fire going...duh?????)
I have now stashed all the Chritmas decorations and memories back up in the attic every so NOT neatly....until time to drag them out next year. so for now I will leave you with a few pictures.

So who actually gets the netbook, you or Kyle? And what's the difference between a netbook and a laptop? Inquiring minds want to know? lol
Jake got one too:) Now I can't get him OFF of it!!!
Love the family portrait:) I am ready to start a new year now..how about you!!!
Someone is excited about their new laptop!!! And I can't believe you already put your decorations away -- you are on top of it!
Merry Christmas!
I also braved the stores and got some good deals.
Good! I'm happy you had a great Christmas :)
Very nice pictures :)
Glad you all had a great Christmas! Kyle has grown up so much!!
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