I have been so blessed with a wonderful husband who would do anything in the world for me....and well....a son who would do anything in the world to stay off the naughty list! But there are so many things that I miss about being in Kentucky for Christmas.
~I miss the smell of bacon cooking on Christmas morning as I would walk in my Grannys' house....but it would always get cold before we could all sit down to eat(cause my Uncle would ALWAYS be late!!!!)
~I miss getting to see all my family on Christmas.
~I miss my Granny's coffee can fudge and chicken & dumplin's. They were good enough to make you cry!
~I miss my Dad. He always loved Christmas.
~ I miss hearing the Christmas Cantada, and seeing the hanging of the greens and the children's Christmas play in the little country church where I grew up.
But most of all I miss the anticipation and wonder in Kyle's eyes on Christmas Eve as he waited and wondered what would be left under the tree by Santa. Once your child no longer believes in Santa the magic seems to be gone.
Yes, Chris and I will still stay up late on Christmas Eve to get everything "just right" before finally slipping off to bed. Cause even though Kyle knows there is no Santa we still do it anyway....it just wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't!

I know the feeling when your kids grow out of Santa. It is kind of sad. But hold on, we now have a 16 month old granddaughter that we get to start that tradition all over again. So fun!
Yea, Riley is my only one that still believes in Santa, and that's fading. I'm going to miss "toys" under the tree. In another year or so, we'll have nobody still even asking for real toys. *sigh*
Why do they have to grow up??
I count my blessings to have so much family close by! Thank you for reminding me of that gift.
PS - the hamburgers are chocolate cupcakes, vanilla cupcakes, and icing. That's it! =0)
Maybe you can send us some Christmas snow. I would love to have a Good Ol White Kentucky Christmas this year.
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