I really don't think my heart can handle anymore tugging at this time or it is going to burst into a million pieces!
Yesterday Kyle was baptized and Chris was Ordained as a Deacon in the church...needless to say I was one PROUD blubbering, weeping, emotional woman!!!! It was a wonderful day seeing my 2 boys go before the church and commit their lives to the Lord. Chris gave an awesome testimony that had the entire church in tears by the time he was finished...even the men! The Lord has blessed me many times over with a wonderful husband that I don't come close to deserving.
On a funny note, when I was rushing around Sunday morning and packing Kyle's things for the baptism I forgot one important item....
Shorts- CHECK
White T Shirt- CHECK
Towel - CHECK
Brush - CHECK
....what's missing you ask??????
of course we didn't realize my flub until he was getting changed for the baptism.....soooooooo Kyle got baptized comando style!!!!!!!!! Yep, NO DRAWS!!!!!!
We had to keep the dry ones he had worn to church to put back on....cause we were having covered dish lunch in the fellowship hall after the ceremony.
And that my friends bring me to today....not even 1 hour ago I got a call from the hubs...asking me if I was sitting down.....yep, I usually try and sit down while I work.
He said he had good news and bad news....
man I hate whan people say that!!!!!
He said the good news is that he just got the call from the Leutinant and he has been promoted to a Sergeant with the highway patrol.
I was so excited. He has been waiting for this call for so long and has worked so hard to get to this point.
Now comes that bad news.....his duty station he has been assigned to is 3 hours away!!! That's the patrol policy, you can't get promoted and stay in the same county your are currently in! Another problem is that he has to report to his new duty station on November 1st...yep, that's right 1 week from today!!!!
My heart sank.....
There are so many things we have to get done in a weeks time that I don't even know where to begin, we have to find him a place to stay, since he will only be able to come home on his 2 days off (which more than likely will be during the week when I am at work and Kyle is at school.)
Will he be able to be home for Thanksgiving???
And he is already scheduled to be off for Christmas...is that gonna change????
He won't be able to come home to get a hot meal for supper every night.
And he also teaches the new cadets for the Basic Law Enforcement class at the college...what will happen to them?????
So that my friends is how my past few days have gone...please pray for us that the Lord will work something out that will bring Chris back closer to home. cause I am as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!!!!!